When one life fractures into a thousand, which one is the real you?

This is the life of Lex, the last Knight of the Calabi-Yau, on a quest to save his world from an ancient evil force, the Wraaken. The Wraaken and its disciples, one of whom is Lex’s best friend, threaten to unravel the fabric of the universe by destroying its source.

To defeat them, Lex is forced to cross parallel realities as he races through the mystical realm of the Perpendicular Parallax. Confronted by miracles and monsters, dimensions of otherworldly beauty, horror, and technical innovation, Lex struggles to maintain his sanity and complete his mission.

Entering the Source could shatter his ego, imprison him in permanent insanity, or heal him and the Universe. But which is it and how will he know?

Take a surreal journey into the metaphysical world of the Perpendicular Parallax and experience the beauty, wonder, and terror that lies hidden within the miraculous architecture of the universe. Engage the seeker in all of us to uncover the secret that burns within the human heart, and is echoed in the darkness of the Source.

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